Posted on 11/05/2020
May Update
Advice for those stuck abroad.
We know there are still people who have not yet returned to the UK, some by choice others because the rescue flights were too costly. Below are links to the various High Commissions where you must register that you are still abroad if you need assistance. Please click on the link.
Staying Safe
At the end of the day we are all saving lives by following Government advice and it’s the lives of those closest to us who may be vulnerable that will push us to comply. The cost for compliance, whatever it is, will be faced at some point in the future!
Loved ones
With the prevalence of Covid-19 everyone will have been touched by it in one way or another, to those of you who have lost loved ones you have our sincere condolences, where in the past you might have had a personal card of sympathy from us, conditions are such that at this time it is not possible. Many of you and your families have been with us many years and so we have gotten to know a great many of you and so sad news of a loved one passing is sad for us too, may God’s grace be with you at this time, for those that are ill and in hospital, we pray that you recover speedily.
None of us knows what the future holds but what keeps us going is the belief that tomorrow will be a better day, when we have reached rock bottom, there is nowhere to go but up!