Posted on 07/06/2021
T&T said to re-open
As with many destinations world-wide, Trinidad & Tobago closed their borders last year March, but unlike many destinations, they never re-opened and remain closed as this article is being written.
It has caused untold difficulties for so many people stuck at either end, albeit there is a very limited number allowed to leave and arrive after a protracted application process.
Over the weekend however it was mooted by the government that the borders may re-open within the next four to six weeks’.
It is reported that the Covid-19 has infected more than 25,800 people and deaths resulting from the Virus were 556, some of the highest in the Caribbean despite the country being closed for over a year.
It will be good news for many Trinidadians who have not been able to go home for more than 12 months to visit elderly and ailing relatives.
Many of you will want to know how this will affect Carnival 2022, as yet we have no news, but with Carnival being such big business in T&T we imagine there is a big push for the event to take place next year, of course that may depend on the vaccination program the government intends to roll out over the next 12 weeks.