Packing Hacks You Need To Know

Posted on 27/07/2015

Packing Hacks You Need To Know

Packing for a trip can be a daunting task, this we know.

Whether you’re concerned about saving space in your bag or the size restrictions on the liquid toiletries, organizing all of your belongings into one spot seems like an impossible feat. What better way to hack your way to a more efficient suitcase than using the best tips and tricks out there.

Roll clothes instead of folding
This might be an oldie, but it’s the number 1 rule. Rolling saves on space and stops your blouses and shirts from getting wrinkled. Plus, it’s how flight attendants do it, so you’ll be packing like a pro.

Use a dryer sheet to keep clothes fresh
Put a tumble dryer sheet between your clothes to get rid of that ‘eau de airplane’ fragrance. After a long-haul flight, your clothes will smell as fresh as a daisy, even if you don’t…

Thread necklaces through straws
You can spend ages trying to detangle your favourite necklaces. Here’s the easy – and cheap – solution, just thread them through straws to keep them knot-free. Pill containers can also make a great on-the-go jewellery box. Bobbie pins, earrings and necklaces can all be stored in a separate compartment.

Use an old button to keep earrings together
We’ve all been there – rummaging around for that last earring, desperately trying to avoid the Jack Sparrow look. All you need for this hack is a spare button or 2. Pin each pair of earrings to a button and you’ll find them in no time.

Fill straws with skincare products
If you’re only going on a quick getaway, there’s no point packing full-size bottles of sun cream and moisturiser. Instead, fill drinking straws with your products and use a heat sealer to block up the ends. Another tip? Fill a spare contact lens case with foundation and face cream.

Use a belt to keep your shirt collar straight
Put a rolled-up belt inside your shirt collar and it’ll stay stiff. Plus, it’s basically a win-win situation, as you get to stow away another item, without using up any extra space.

Fill shoes with stuff that won’t burst
There’s a whole realm of space at the bottom of your shoes – prime for packing full with smaller items. You can stuff underwear or bottles in there, and store delicate things in your socks.

Put a plastic sheet over bottles to stop leakage
Surely there can’t be anything worse than opening up your case and finding your clothes covered in TRESemmé? Put cling film over the top of leak-prone bottles, seal them back up, and your clothes will be in the clear.

Put shoes inside shower caps
Ever take those free shower caps from hotels, just because you can? Come on, we won’t judge, especially as they come in handy with this hack. Whether you’re aiming to keep your clothes clean, or your favourite shoes protected, they’re the perfect size to pop around shoes and keep your case dirt-free.

Protect your razor with a binder clip
Razor blades aren’t exactly the most travel-friendly item. They can damage other things in your wash bag and become rough. Attach a binder clip to the blade and voilà – it’s protected while in transit.

Is there anything we’ve left off our list? Well, here are two links to a few more tips.

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